Xcov 18

~~1 - 15 November 1999

General Run Information

Instructions for Ap star test
First results from tests
Final results from tests (added 21 Feb 2000)


HL Tau 76

PG 0122

Secondary Targets

(R548 (ZZ Ceti), EC05217-3914)

The data presented on this and subsequent pages are not public domain and belong to the astronomers involved in the WET collaboration. They are the result of a quick-look analysis and may contain errors. They are meant only to inform observers and other collaborators of how the data look and what results may come out of them.

If you are interested in the data, please contact the WET directorate: either Steve Kawaler (sdk@iastate.edu), Darragh O'Donoghue (dod@saao.ac.za) or Scot Kleinman (sjk@wet.physics.iastate.edu). It is WET policy that all data will become public-domain 18 months after the WET run is over.

Send comments to wetmaster. Last updated on 7 Nov 1999.